We're now abolishing COVID restrictions!

Submitted by eagle on Sat, 02/19/2022 - 19:19

COVID is falling! Liberty is rising!

Tons of countries are abolishing and demolishing the idiotic anti-freedom restrictions that were based on false "scientific" frauds. We're starting to win our freedom again!!!!!

Eagle Gamma
I would give the COVID meme around a 9 out of 10 for ability to exploit people's fears, and around a 1 out of 20 for scientiic akkurasy. :)

Lucky for the COVID meme, its ability to survive depends on sowing fear rather than spreading knowledge.

The COVID meme is more powerful than COVID! :)

It's probably far too much to ask for, but wouldn't it be great if COVIDiocy spurred a greater general resistance to bureaucratic politics?


As you go along you can achieve goals, enjoy the ride, and find better methods for next time! :)

Live your life!!!!! :)


COVID is the ruthless exploitation of people's naivete by politicians.

Heheh, one of the local soft drink companies, Royal Soda, posted an ad making fun of the COVID fascism on Instagram. The soda company has more intelligent commentary than the news media or politicians. Not that surprising! :)

Prison for the COVID politicians! :)

Let's have some public inquiries into the COVID scandal. Who knew about the statistical cover-up? Who was just an ignorant victim?

This COVID scam has cost humanity more than practically any issue for years or decades. Society has a right to know who the guilty parties are. Some politicians should go to prison over this, at the least.

Many media companies were complicit, but they don't have the same obligations to the public as the corrupt governments that enforced COVID oppression.

The media companies are like the dogs that bark at sheep for the shepherds. The shepherds are like politicians who steer sheeple.

Abolish COVID restrictions! Let's have public inquiries into the corruption, and de-COVIDization of society. No public posts for politicians involved in COVID fascism.

COVID politicians have deprived billions of people of freedom and crushed the economy, over a cough. Those guilty politicians deserve to be deprived of freedom and wealth.

cattle:ranching::humans:politics :)


There's a lot of stupid rules, in grammar in different languages, in laws, etc. I guess we can see language use as energy and matter, grammar rules as space and time? Modifications of either affect the other? I think that's a bit of a stretch as a metaphor! :)


Mmmm, the freedom beer's delicious! :)

I think Faxe may be one of their discount brands? It includes glucose syrup in the ingredients. I think Tuborg and Carlsberg are their more standard brands?

Anyways, refreshing! For the thirst for water and the thirst for freedom! Faxe! :)

I like their marketing, too. A viking!

Viva la libertad! Viva la revolucion! Viva Denmark! :)


Fuck COVID fascism! We're on the winning side, now and in the long term. Freeeeeeeedom!!!!! :)

Whew! Went out for a walk, found an agoulou place (Guadeloupe sandwich). Also a grocery store with a bunch of Danish beer and Royal Cola! A couple of sources of relatively pro-freedom ideas on COVID! :)


Food not advice from fat people! :)


Caption for a photo on seemingly any American website: smiling African woman. :)


There's supposed to be difficulties! :)

Whatever educational programs the COVID politicians did aren't working. :)

Jobs: you figure it out on the job.

There'll be other stupid things long after COVID is forgotten. The world isn't about to run out of stupid people. Still, at least we can have some fun abolishing and demolishing this idiocy! :)

Many people just go along with whatever seems popular. When COVIDiocy is official they'll wear their slave masks, when COVIDiocy is done they'll act like it's normal not to wear slave masks. Certain populations are more docile or weak-willed, and more likely to be the ones eagerly complying with slave mask rules.

Dissecting COVIDiocy for fun and profit! :)

Politicians have often had an informational advantage over the people, e.g. someone who could read controlling a bunch of illiterate peasants. At least nowadays there's information technology to even out the battlefield somewhat. Now maybe the people can disarm politicians' informational attacks such as COVID fascism.

Freedom beer tastes fuckin' great! :)

Demolish fascism! Abolish COVID BS! :)

Story idea: if hands instead of genitals had become taboo. People would generally wear gloves in public, or any time when they're not "shaking" (i.e. shaking someone's hands). You can't generally talk about hands or shaking, you'd risk offending people. There are strict laws on shaking, e.g. you have to be above a certain age to shake and some countries ban shaking for money. People like shaking however, so even in those countries there's a market for illegal shaking. It costs far more than it should and you risk disease transmission. Shaking-transmitted diseases are a hot topic in society. People giggle nervously when someone makes a hand joke or reveals a bit of hand. People obsess about hand size. Cultures develop bizarre traditions around hand-shaking rituals. Waving to people is also somewhat of a sensitive topic. It's all too believable.

Should we use those SARS masks (or COVID masks) as toilet paper? Or burn them?

Are there anti-fear medications? I guess there's anxiolytics, anti-anxiety medications. If people took anti-fear medications would they become impervious to the fear marketing of politicians, e.g. COVID?

COVID fascism has locked people up in countries, and forced people to wear slave masks and do other idiotic things. I think it's more important to liberate ourselves than to worry over a few details.

When I see people sheepishly wearing COVID slave masks, I think to myself "how the fuck did you survive to adulthood?!"

Not ideal, but not a big deal. :)

A lot of people are trapped in their culture's worldview (Weltanschauung). What their culture's officials say, goes. A good way to get out of this trap is to travel, when there isn't COVID fascist travel bans. :)

I'm now planning to stay another month in MG. Looks like the quarantines are still there in Dominica. There's a strange sentence. Probably rent this place another month, through much of March. During that time I want to see my fill of the island, I think I've already covered a good chunk of it. Also eat at as many restaurants as remain of interest. Plus work, relate, exercise, etc. Then maybe the quarantines will be gone?!?!

Went for the second COVIDiot shot today. So insane. Global fascism over a fuckin' cough? Fuck off! :) At least there's some touchy-feely stuff with the nurses! :)


Life: you run around for a while trying to eat and get laid, then you get cancer or hit by a car or whatever and die. :)

Now that we're seeing some countries like Denmark go free and other countries like Austria go more fascist on COVID, will we see COVID fascism refugees fleeing from Austria to Denmark? :)

I think the appropriate professional to see for COVID is a witch doctor. :)

Gearing up for a bike ride around part of the island! This'll be my first ride with a "home base" to return to in a while. Looking forward to trying out a lighter ride, without the need to pack all of my stuff. Also looking forward to getting around this place a bit faster than on foot!

Plus it feels somewhat like international bike touring! :)


Often problems seem to occur when I rush things emotionally, e.g. shutting a door in haste and breaking off the lock, or shifting bike gears in haste and breaking off the chain.


COVID is one of the greatest scientific frauds of all time.

Let's see if we can play the COVID "science" game. Most people who have had any COVID in them recover, gaining better health. Therefore COVID improves one's health. That's about the level of reasoning in the COVID scare tactics. Actually it's better reasoning than the scare tactics.

COVID politicians have caused far more harm to humanity than they can ever repair. We should have a de-COVIDification program modeled on the de-Nazification after WWII.

Politicians control people like sheep. You just send the dogs around barking scarily to steer people where you want. The dogs bark: "COVID! COVID!"

COVID: just another dumb political scam.

Most sheeple are scientifically and statistically illiterate, so it's easy to pull the wool over their eyes! :)

COVID: the emperor's new suit.

I think that a smart high school student or an average college student should be able to understand the COVID scam. Probably some children, too! :)

Let's increase scientific literacy, statistical literacy, and awareness of common political deception to prevent the next COVID scam. Also harsh prison terms for COVID politicians! :)

Seems like the creepy COVID coalition is crumbling! :)

Sort of like a cartel. I guess there's a powerful incentive to defect. Then you can pull in travel dollars and such while the other countries suffer.

Memes are cultural entities. They infect people's minds, like how viruses infect people's bodies. Memes thrive on fear, hope, and other emotions that compel people to latch on. For example, the COVID meme appeals to people's fears of contagious diseases and foreigners. Memes evolve like viruses do, through survival of the fittest. Thus we see variations on COVID (Coronavirus, delta wave, Omicron, etc.) that adapt to attack people's minds.

Resist harmful memes, like you'd resist harmful bacteria. Clean your mind with logic and evidence. Avoid risky people and places.

Pas de fascisme de toux! Pas de fascimse du tout!

No cough fascism! No fascism at all!

Science is about skepticism, not slavish devotion to some politicians. COVID is a scam.


Weird, effervescent aspirin doesn't dissolve in carrot juice. It does dissolve in water, carbonated water, soft drinks, coffee, rice milk, and other drinks. Not sure what's in the carrot juice that would prevent that. Some vitamin?!?

Things can happen in such strange ways! Don't always believe what you hear, even what you hear in your own head! :)

Just keep on updating adjusting adapting! :)

Do what you can when you can! You never know when an opportunity will pop up that you'll want to feel free for! :)

When I was younger I made numerous choices that resulted in interesting experiences rather than a bunch of money. Often they were difficult choices. In hindsight I'm generally glad to have done things like that. As was the basis for many of my decisions at the time, I now wouldn't find it that practical or feasible to do many of those unique experiences but I can do the same type of money-making work as I could've then. The comforts that you can buy with money are somewhat rewarding but also somewhat the same. The unique experiences when you're young are irreplaceable!

Humans lie, cats scratch, dogs bark, and other animals have their own instinctual defenses. :)

Digital tools and products are real, too! As material as the mechanical things we handle! :)


Jejej, anti-COVID activist! :)

The French equivalent of bean and cheese burritos: cassoulet with Camembert on baguette! :)

I think that the COVID hoax is becoming untenable. When the politicians first pulled their scam it was easy to convince fearful people of a "pandemic" disease. Now that we've had a while (years!) to see the BS, I think that only the most naive or incentivized people remain on the COVIDiot train. I think this thing's on the way out! :)

The "old normal": not having global fascism on the basis of scientific fraud. :)

We need politicians' blood! :)

Went to the supermarket without a slave mask and no one whined! :)

You can't smile with a COVID slave mask on! :)

I think that while illegitimate fascist COVID laws are in place based on fraudulent science, the laws do not apply.

I'm pro-health and pro-science. The COVID hoax has set back public health efforts by decades. It distracts people from genuine health-promoting behaviors while imposing health risks left, right, and center. The psychological toll alone of the COVID fascism has been immense.

Many people have poor information processing capacities. They take in their mass media sources, they take it literally, then they act like slaves or sheep or cattle. That basically explains COVID. Other hysteria and fascism too.

At least the COVID cartel is failing! :)

Social media sites have performed poorly during the fascism. Facebook, Instagram, Google, and others have needlessly and idiotically inserted their slave-ass links to scientific fraud.

When the law becomes evil, it's our responsibility to fight the law. Even if it's costly. Standing on the sidelines isn't a choice.

What the fuck is a dancing ban? Fuck off COVID fascists. No more slave masks, no more weird RNA injections. Just fuckin' liberty! :)

Rock & Roll!!!!! :)

